Friday, August 22, 2008

DAY PLUS 36 - AUGUST 22, 2008

Today's counts are very confusing. White blood cells are 4.8...down from 6.5 & Neutropolys are 2.78...down from 3.54. They say its normal for the numbers to fluctuate....then why have they not been fluctuating in the past 2 weeks...they were just going one way and that was up?? I really think the lab can make mistakes or the blood test wasn't a good one. Our nurse today tells me they look for consistency and look for a trend. If the numbers keep going down...then they want to know why! I will be closely watching the numbers in the next few days....and they'd better be going up!

I understand this could also happen if you have a viral infection. Hmmm!
Yesterday Mr. T did have breakfast but threw it up. Later he ate one pierogi and kept that down. He is trying.

Today he ate one bite of waffles and said they had a metallic taste. The 3 cookies he ate were fine...and so was the Oh Henry! He is drinking a lot more fluid as well.. If he keeps this up...we are sure to go home by Tuesday or Wednesday.

The physiotherapist came to see us today. She gave Mr. T some homework to do till Monday. He is to go for a 10 min. walk (in the halls) twice a well as some calf stretches and one flight of stairs a day.

Today we walked the hallways.....he wasn't attached to the machine.....he wore a mask....he did some stretching exercises with the therapist....he was on the computer for a few hours as well. I'm very happy with his attempts at walking and eating.

Finally.....we are getting ready to go home!

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