Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yes...I have found Mr. T's biological dad. I'd like to say it was my 'psychic abilities' or 'sheer genius' but I'd be lying to you. It was plain old work and perseverance...that's all it was...and maybe a little luck thrown in. If I learned anything from this experience is 'never say never' matter who you are and no matter where you live...if somebody wants to find you they will.
Now my son is calling me 'the dawg'! You can run...but you can't hide! So back off 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' eat your heart out!
It wasn't too hard! I entered the name 'Francois' in Canada 411...and got a list of names to start with.... looking in the area of Winnipeg, Nelson House and Norway House and all the Indian reservations. With each number I called...I hoped to get in touch with a cousin or an Aunt or Uncle that would be related somehow......and that's exactly what happened. I happened to call a cousin of first she was hesitant...not knowing if I was a bill collector or looking for child support. When I explained the situation...that we were hoping to find a bone marrow match...she went out of her way to help me. She told me to look at Norway House which is an Indian Reservation outside of Winnipeg. She went as far as to tell me...that Fred's mother was living there on the reserve...but she didn't have a phone. From that information alone..I sent a letter to the band police via email....and a few days after I got a call from a lady officer telling me that Yes....the lady did live there...and Eureka!! so did her son, Fred Francois. This lady officer made sure to deliver my letter to the mother of Fred and the same day...late at night...Fred called me!
He called me at 12:30 at night...I was so thrilled and excited. Finally...I was talking to Mr. T's biological dad. He was more than anxious to help out in any way he could. Even though it would mean an 8 hr drive to Winnipeg, (the closest big city) to get tested.... he was more than happy to do so.
I found out a bit of his medical history....he is 40 and suffers from diabetes and epilepsy...which is good to know. I told him that the Oncology Team would be in touch and they would have him tested at the closest hospital to see if he would be a good bone marrow match.
I was so excited I couldn't go back to sleep for hours. This is a win/win situation! If he is a bone marrow match....great...and if not...he can help me get Mr. T an Indian card which will help with all his dental and medical bills.
Fred told me to his knowledge he has 9 kids in all! From the age of 8 to 22. The head nurse was thrilled when she found out...but I told her Fred doesn't have custody of any of these it's not up to him to decide if they are to be tested or not. I know that the nurse was thinking...the more, the merrier. It does happen that sometimes both parents aren't a match ..that's why they will test other children from the parents....and if not...then they have to go to the worldwide bone marrow registry to find a match...but still.... there is a chance that he just might be 'the' perfect match. Wouldn't that be great?
Everything happens for a reason...I don't believe in coincidences! Hopefully one day Mr. T. can meet his biological dad and perhaps find out about his ancestors and meet his other siblings...and know his roots. We all have a need to know where we come order to know where we're headed. I have spoken to Mr. T about his roots...and he is hopefully one day when Mr. T is ready....he can meet his father and learn about his roots and culture. I will let you know what happens.....just stay tuned!
For those of you that are looking for a loved one or family member or friend...I say...Never Give Up.....follow your heart...and follow the clue's. Nobody can go through life without leaving clues like breadcrumbs behind them. Start with what you know...and go from there. Where there's a will....there's a way. You'll find it.

Monday, October 8, 2007


what the diagnosis is.... Mr. T has been diagnosed with 'Mylodysplastic Syndrome'. In plain english it means 'sick bone marrow'. October 2nd was a very long day. First there was blood work....then Mr. T. had his bone marrow aspiration. They tried to give him a lumbar puncture but he had problems breathing so the anesthesiologist had the doctor stop. The results of the bone marrow aspiration was the same as previous weeks results. They can see cancer cells but they haven't moved much....they go from 3% to 6% and back down again...which tells them that he has a sick bone marrow. The Oncology team told us that the only way to correct this is to have a bone marrow that is the plan. They have sent all the results to a crytogenetics lab...and regardless of the lab results...they will go ahead with a bone marrow transplant. We await the this will tell the Team what program to follow....In 2 to 3 weeks they will call us in for a meeting....and start the plan in action.
We know that we will stay at the hospital and they will try to get rid of the cancer cells...then we will be transferred to Toronto Sick Kids for the bone marrow transplant. They told us to expect to be away from home for several months...2 to 3 months depending on his health.
Late in the day he had 2 more cups of blood removed.....they are still trying to remove iron from his liver....which made him sick and dizzy but thankfully....Mr. T's appetite is quite good!

Mr. T is anxious to get the show on the road. He wants the bone marrow transplant. He is tired of appointments, missing school, blood work, bone marrow tests and just wants to be a normal kid.

I don't blame him at all....he knows that his bone marrow is not normal.....and he believes with a new bone marrow he can lead a normal life.....a life without cancer, needles and chemo.

I'm glad that Mr. T and I get to spend 2 or 3 more weeks at prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the ordeal ahead.

Thank you for all the prayers and good wishes you have sent our way. We are so happy to have the support and encouragement from all the wonderful bloggers that will be with us on our journey to good health. Together we can make it happen!