Thursday, October 16, 2008

DAY PLUS 91 - OCTOBER 16, 2008

I apologize for not blogging. The days have been going by very quickly since we've been home. Mr. T and I spend 2 days a week at Cheo....getting blood work done, changing his dressing and getting a check-up. Then we have a tutor coming to the house twice a week. The rest of the time is spent in doling out medication 4 times a day, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
(I also had to wait a month to buy a new tower (hard drive) My computer was fried).
I live in a very old house in the country. We have many windows that should be replaced and we heat with wood and oil....which makes for a very dusty house. Every day there is a new coat of dust over everything....and I start cleaning all over again.
We had the rugs removed before we got got home...which helps a lot...but still there is so much dust that accumulates while we sleep.
So far....we've been very fortunate. Mr. T's blood counts keep improving week by week. His energy and appetite improves daily. As of next week....we will no longer have to go for check-ups twice a week. We will only go for check-ups once a week on a Monday. That's great news!

I haven't blogged for awhile......I have been so busy cleaning, giving Mr. T his medications, preparing a low-bacteria diet...and doing the thousand other chores that is needed to make this home run efficiently.
I've also been walking & sleeping on eggshells.....always wondering if I made the right decision in bringing Mr. T home......questioning every cough, sniffle and ache. So good!
When I hear from other mothers at Cheo......that the hospital is crawling with disease...they have had to put kids with infectious disease on the oncology unit for lack of beds......... parents on the oncology floor have had to isolate their own kids in fear that their kids would get sicker....well then...I feel that just maybe I did make the right decision.
We have been home now for over a month....and still I feel overwhelmed. I still haven't seen my doctor or dentist....I still haven't slept for 8 hours straight, I haven't read a book or seen a movie........and I probably won't for awhile yet. I'm not complaining......we have been least we're home and things are going well. There are some mothers right now with their children at Sick Kids waiting to be transferred back to Cheo...if everything goes well......and so I pray for them each and every night...for a safe journey home.

Again......I apologize for not blogging sooner.....