Saturday, April 12, 2008

APRIL 12, 2008

We did play Crazy 8's last night for half an hour! Mr. T won 3 drinks from me...which means I buy him a Brisk Iced Tea for the next 3 days!
Today he didn't feel good at all....refused to eat anything.

By afternoon he asked for a Haagan-Daz icecream bar and I ran to get it. At least he ate something. He just wanted to movies or games.

Hemoglobin is 88*

Platelets are 20*

Neutro-polys are 0.01*
The numbers are low and so is his energy. Sometimes our bodies just need sleep to recuperate.
With the massive doses of chemo that he has been getting along with all the wonder he's so tired and has no energy. There will be better days ahead.

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