Monday, April 14, 2008

APRIL 14, 2008

Great day today! Not only was the sun shining for a change....but Mr. T was feeling Okay!

After not eating much for the past few days....he woke up with an appetite and had boiled eggs, sausages, bacon, toast and chocolate milk!

Today he had an ultra-sound done so the doctors can see his kidney, liver and pancreas. Mr. T also had a sinus x-ray done. It was nice getting out of the room for awhile....even if it was only for tests.

Later we played cards and Battleship....I must work on my strategy a little more. I really enjoy playing! We both won 4 games each! Then we watched Walt Disney's 'Underdog'! Good comedy!

Hemoglobin is 81*

Platelets are 24* - as he received platelets yesterday

Neutro-polys are still 0.00*

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