Saturday, May 24, 2008

MAY 24, 2008

Chemo is horrible.'s a poison. The problem with the medication is in order to kill the bad also kills the good cells.
The side effects of cytaribine are fevers and nausea. Last night his fever went up to 40.3. He really should be isolated in a private room....but there is no rooms available. There is a shortage of everything here...including pillows!

Mr. T is so sick with chills and fever and puking...that he finds it very hard to tolerate the little boy in his room. The child is only 3 yrs old....but the mother reads children stories in a squeaky loud voice.....and when she's not...the little lad is watching Disney movies. I'm ready to choke the Wigglies....the chipmunks...Barney...and Sponge Bob crappy pants! Over and over all day long! At the same time...the mother is on her cell phone constantly!

Mr. T keeps putting the pillow over his head....and I tell him to just be patient. It's very difficult to be kind & understanding when all you want is sleep and quiet! Okay....I'll stop the whining now!

Since yesterday....Mr. T won't eat or drink anything!

I'm really hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.......because it's a very SPECIAL DAY!

Mr. T's birthday is tomorrow.......and you're only THIRTEEN once!

I have a few surprises in store for him! Let you know tomorrow!

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