Friday, June 20, 2008

FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 2008

82 DAYS and his neutro-polys haven't come up yet! Mr. T has been going through many tests getting ready for transplant. This morning he had a GFR which is Glomerular Filtration Rate which is done to see if his kidneys are functioning well.
This afternoon he also had a PFT which is a Pulmonary Function Test done to check his lungs.

He will also get platelets as well as he is very low. So far his mood and attitude is very good. The doctors told me that if his neutro-polys don't come up....we may not get to go home. We may go straight to Toronto....but I haven't told him yet. He would be really disappointed. They can't put off the date of the bone marrow transplant....well they could if they had to...but not for a visit home. There is so much planning involved in setting up a date for a transplant.

Today his counts are:

Hemoglobin is 90*

Platelets are 13*

Neutro-polys are 0.00*

1 comment:

Patricia Marie said...

Wishing him well and crossing my fingers & toes.