Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We are patiently waiting! Today is our 80th day here! They tell me that each time Mr. T has chemo it takes longer for his neutro-polys to come up again. Every day I ask for his counts and hope that today is the day! The nurses tell us that we have to do a 'neutro-poly dance' in order for them to come up. We are singing and dancing here in the hope of jogging those stubborn polys! We are more than ready to move on & out!

The minute his neutro-polys are 0.2 Mr. T can get the port out and the broviac in......then he will get whatever dental care he needs. Once he gets the bone marrow transplant...he can't get any dental care for a we need to take care of that here. Then we can go across the street to Ronald Mcdonald house till his counts go up to 0.5............and then HOME SWEET HOME! for a little break till our admitting date in Toronto....which was changed to July 6th.

Today we went for an ecocardiogram just to check that everything is fine for the broviac implant. It's just like an ultra-sound of the heart. You can actually see the blood flushing the a heart on fire. It's really neat!

Today his counts are:

Hemoglobin is 85*

Platelets are 29*

Neutro-polys are 0.00*

Mr. T's appetite is back in full force. I'm really happy about that. I've been told he won't be eating much in I'm glad he's building up his strength now.