Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have tried everything under the sun to get Mr. T to eat...but he has no appetite whatsoever. This is very frustrating. We have never had this problem before. You would think that the Nabilone would give him the munchies. His Dr tells him that if she doesn't see him start to eat properly...she has no choice but to feed him by tube. So far we got him to eat cereal once a day...but thats not enough.
Because of the chemo...everything has a metallic taste and he refuses to eat.
I ran to get him a simple egg-salad sandwich...and he said it was disgusting.
Then he agreed to eat peanut butter on toast......the kitchen said because of peanut butter. The nurse ran to see if there was any in the nurse's kitchen....but no.
I took the bus to the mall and got him a jar....I was desperate for him to eat some protein. When I got back and spread it on his toast....he said it wasn't peanut butter and refused to eat it. Then he agreed to waffles & syrup....same thing, it went in the garbage.
I even bought his favorite....meatball sub and the garbage!
Finally I went and bought him 2 Bionical kits.......and told him he couldn't have them till he ate!
These are kits of ugly creatures you put together.....and hospital gift stores charge an arm and a leg! But it worked!
He then agreed to have chocolate milk, blueberry muffin, pancakes and a rice krispie square. The doctors tell us this is not enough...he needs real food and protein in order to build himself up for the bone marrow transplant that comes next month. I understand its difficult to eat when you don't feel good...but he has to...or he will be force-fed, and thats not good. They also won't let us go home for a break unless he's eating normally.
So, it's a constant battle of wills. At the same time...they don't want him eating junk food because of his sugars & triglycerides.
I have been begging, whining, pleading, bribing, arguing, demanding, reasoning.........did I say begging???? I can't afford the bribery every day either.
It really is a battle of wills. I have told him repeatedly that we will never go home unless he starts eating to build himself up. They will not let him go home with a tube down his throat....and they will have to do this to make sure he is getting the nutrients he needs!
Everybody tells me that Nabilone (medecinal marijuana) gives you the munchies....well it hasn't worked for him. Maybe we should give him the real thing....and give me the Nabilone!
Okay...I'll stop whining now!
66 days (but who's counting)
Hemoglobin is 74*
Platelets are 36*
Neutro-Polys are 0.01
(they have to hit 0.00 and then they will start to go up)


Anonymous said...

How very frustrating! Mt. T: EAT. You and Nanny need to go home for a little break before the transplant. So eat! Even if it tastes bad. Eat.

Oh no, now I am begging!

Anonymous said...

Oh Nanny! What a frustrating situation! :(

As terrible an option it seems, perhaps the tube feeding is what he needs. At least that way the taste issue disappears, and older kids are taught to put the tube in and out themselves. I'm sure he WANTS to eat, but I think I would find it hard if everything tasted metallic too! YUCK!

I had to tube feed my baby for the first many months, and we recently went through a stretch where it really looked like we were going to have to go back to it. Tube feeding isn't fun, that's for sure, but I think it would be easier with someone like Tayten who is old enough to be reasonable and help with the feedings. Plus, the act of eating takes a lot of energy, and maybe he just can't handle it right now. :(

Big Hugs Nanny. I'm rooting for both of you :)

(Eat, Tayten, EAT!)

Anonymous said...

Tayten, hi, again.

Sounds like it is up to you to control the situation: Feeding tube or eat metallic tasting food. Which is worse in your mind? Sounds like eating is worse in your mind than a tube down your throat.

Wow, I can't understand that. I mean I understand things tasting horrible, but are they that bad that you would rather have a tube?

Oh. You didn't ask for a tube? Well, actually you have, because by not eating they have no choice, you made the choice for them. Sounds like this is one thing you can control.

Sure hope you are happy with that tube, 'cause ultimately you are the one calling the shots. You do realize if you change your mind and eat the protein and stuff, you are still the winner in the battle, 'cause it would be your choice, not theirs or your Nanny's.

Do you like bean burritos?

Patricia Marie said...

How about that stuff called "ensure"? I think they have it for kids as well as adults. At least he would get some vitamins.I did email you an invite to Child Lost.