Sunday, July 27, 2008

DAY PLUS 10 - JULY 27, 2008

Today they tell me that it's not a 'low-grade infection' he has. His urea level is higher than normal. It's a SERIOUS they will do an ultra-sound later today in his room as they are worried about his kidneys! I have been telling them that in the past whenever Vancomysin was given...there was damage done to his kidneys...we ended up in ICU & Mr. T was on dialysis.....but what do I know eh???

Also after doing urine and blood's NOT the mucositis in his urine or penis. They say that the blood showing is from the more tests will have to be done today. No wonder he feels crappy & tired!

His kidney's are retaining fluid. They can tell this by his weight. He is not peeing out as much as he takes in. The nurse says he may have an extra quart of fluid on board??
They will give Mr. T more platelets today. He receives them every 2nd day.
He is taking 3 different antibiotics now....vancomycin every 18 hours...Tazocin every 8 hrs...and Ceprofloxacin every 12 hours.
He won't eat or drink....his mouth sore's and throat sores are bothering him. I can't even eat in front of him....just the smell of food will make him throw up. I have to go to the parents lounge to eat.
He has been sleeping a lot...and he passes the time either watching movies, painting or sketching and organizing his chaotic cards into a binder.
We could have had a video phone set up so that family could call us and see us in our room at Sick Kids and we could see them. After speaking to other parents...I decided not to. It may be a benefit for some...but not for others....especially the teenagers.
I know if his Papa spoke to him about fishing & hunting...or his dad or Uncle were there...Mr. T would be so homesick...he would cry & feel more lonesome than normal. Ignorance is bliss....sometimes!
Our waiting game day at a time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey SAndy and mr T i have been reading all the way threw since our relasped and i am praying for you to get better thinking of you everyday , rest up young man its not easy but you will climb that moutain alot people are cheering for you :)
chris xox
(seb's mom)