Monday, July 21, 2008

DAY PLUS 2 - JULY 19, 2008

Mr. T monitors his own sugar glucose. He has his own 'One Step' glucose meter and pokes himself 4 or 5 times a day. His glucose goal is between 6 & 12...and so far it's good. This way they know how to adjust his insulin levels.
Today he started having diarrhea. I expected this to happen...that's why they told us to bring triple underwear. They have given him Ativan in his line to help with the cramps. He also bathes himself everyday. There is no washroom in this small isolation room...only a potty chair.
After bathing...I change his sheets daily. He sleeps on a very comfortable mattress. It's a RIK mattress used for patients in long-term...extremely heavy but very comfortable.
So fever or infections and for that I'm thankful. The first 2 to 3 weeks are critical. They also give him a bit of chemo for Graft versus Host disease as well as anti-rejection drugs. They tell me Mr. T is a very good patient. He co-operates, does his blood sugars when asked and keeps his body as clean as possible, washing well after using the potty, using toothettes to clean his mouth as well as doing his mouth rinses many times a day to safeguard against mucositis... mouth sores.
He cannot use his own toothbrush or toothpaste a toothbrush can cause his gums to bleed. Even toilet paper can be rough....I had to buy wipes at Shoppers Drug Mart....they are softer and will keep the area cleaner. All these routine chore's does help to pass the time.
His neutropolys haven't hit bottom yet...but they will.....and then it will take quite a long time for them to come up once again. One day at a time!

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