Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today Mr. T was sad. When I asked him if he was nervous about tomorrow and the transplant...he started to cry. I told him that it wouldn't hurt at's just like getting blood or platelets through your line. That's not the scary part at all....the worst part is in the recovery...and the waiting to see if his body will accept the new bone marrow. I'm nervous as well...but I don't show it. I have complete faith in these doctors. They know what they're doing. They will move us by noon tomorrow to an isolation it will take 4 to 5 hrs to give him the bone marrow transplant through his line.
I will post more information about the bone marrow transplant later. Right now I have some packing to do...and storing what I can in the locker they loaned me. We won't be able to take all our things into the isolation room.
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for Mr. T. We appreciate each and everyone of you who have given us strength & hope on his journey. Thank you.

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