Monday, August 4, 2008

DAY PLUS 19 - AUGUST 5, 2008

Once again....the WBC (white blood cells) are at 0.2. Last night Mr. T was hallucinating! He said it was very scary. I spoke to the doctor...and she said it was the hydromorphone that was causing the hallucinations. They had changed from morphine as the morphine was making him too itchy. They gave him Benadryl for the itchiness...but it wore off in an hour...and he was still very itchy and they couldn't give him anymore Benadryl for that's the reason they switched to hydromorphone.
Now the hydromorphone is causing him to hallucinate.....which makes him jump up... out of breath and really scared.
It's very difficult to find a drug to fit the need. Every medication has side effects. They will continue with the hydromorphone and hope he gets used to long as he knows he is hallucinating...that nothing is real.
Mr. T continues to spike fevers. This morning he was 38.9 again. And now he's 39.4. This morning he had an x-ray in his tiny room........and later he had an ultrasound done. I'll know the results by tomorrow.
While these tests were being done (I can't stay in the room)....I went to Future Shop and bought him Call of Duty 4, and Heavenly Sword for his PS3. I hope he can start playing his games in a few days. Right now he just wants to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think hallucinations would be very scary for a young teen! Hopefully once his WBC gets up a bit more, some of these drugs can start to come off and his body will be more able to help itself. Right now the sleep is probably the best thing for him...
