Saturday, August 16, 2008

DAY PLUS 30 - AUGUST 16, 2008

Great day today! Mr. T was up bright and early....and had breakfast! He ate all his cereal and had a raison & cinnamon bagel w/butter and ate everything! I thought for sure he would have to give it the old heave-ho....but not really. The food stayed down. Then he played his PS3 games till lunchtime. Finally!
For awhile there...he had his days & nights reversed....maybe he's getting back on track now.
His WBC's are 2.9 ...
Also more hydromorphone through his line. If he needs it he will have to take the medication orally. No more Stat probe on his toe....that's gone as well. Every day...small changes & baby steps till we can run...............all the way home!

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