Monday, August 18, 2008

DAY PLUS 32 - AUGUST 18, 2008

Today they will send samples of stool to the lab - the Dr thinks the diarrhea could be signs of Graft versus Host disease where the donor cells attack the body. We will know the results of this in a few days. Hopefully the results will be negative...but till then they don't want him to eat or drink!
The good news is that his neutropolys have doubled. They went from 1.01 to 2.53 and his WBC are 4.2.
Mr. T begged the doctor to please let him go home...and the doctor explained that its not a good idea right now....and to just be patient for a little while longer!
So...although we are still in a step-down room....Mr. T is in isolation again...they don't want him leaving his room.......and I have to wear the dreaded yellow gown again! Oh could be worse!
At least being in this room...Mr. T's mood & attitude has improved. He's trying to stay up longer in the day & is now watching television. Baby steps all the way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, baby steps all the way. Sometimes we need to take a step backwards or to the side to keep things balanced, but the overall direction is still forward. Keep up all the good work!
