Tuesday, August 12, 2008

DAY PLUS 26 - AUGUST 12, 2008

Today...Mr. T's white blood cells are 2.2. This morning he woke up and started playing his PS3 for an hour. That's a good sign! Today...they will remove the TPN just in the daytime....and as well cut back on the hydro-morphone.

Also....Mr. T received a gift from the nurses and staff at Cheo hospital in Ottawa. He was thrilled when he read the card they all signed and left comments of encouragement and cheer for him. They must know him really well as they sent him a Manga binder and also Manga sketchbook with markers and crayons. They even sent me candy!
He felt really good to hear that they were all thinking of him and wishing him well.
He said......"tell NOAH TO THANK EVERYONE FOR ME" and I'll see them soon.

I'll be really anxious to see what his neutropolys are tomorrow.
They only do the bloodwork for that on Monday's, Wednesdays & Fridays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling for y'all!